College Get Together

Last week, January 14 to be exact, me and my College classmates had a get together after a month or year of not seeing each other. Though there were only four of us but it was great to have communicated with them once again. We talked far and wide not just about lovelife, work but more particularly on the current events such as the impeachment trial on CJ Corona and Sendong event of which the four of us shared the same sentiments of hating the YELLOW administration. We are also in cahoots with each other on despising what our local government has done with regards to improperly allocating the food, money and other resources for the victims of Sendong.

Our girls night out was all about fun and intelligent discussions on the government and how will we be able to help especially so in preventing to have a sequel of Sendong. Oh well, it was a blast! Totally I had a great time with the leap year girls Gemma and Cyril as well as with best bud Glenice. Although we may have drifted apart for years but we haven't forgotten each other. Now that we're reunited, there are really tons of things to catch up and I am glad to be with them once again. Here are a few pictures I took to reminisce the moments we had at Iliganon's private karaoke room and at Zoey Cafe.

Biboooooooo ang polsci. Sikhai! (Nazi salute style) Hehe. I can never forget those cheers during CASS days thanks to JR's creativity. LOL! I do miss my other college classmates. I do hope they are okay and that soon enough, hindi lang apat kundi the entire class shall have a reunion. It'll be exciting! We might not be complete when we had this unplanned get together but I hope more of my classmates will join especially this coming Feb. 29. The leap year girls big day. Waa!! I haven't gone to the beach for months maybe because of the Sendong tragedy but the girls are planning to celebrate their birthday at the beach. It's been three years already and look how time flies by. I am just overwhelmed and lucky that our paths have merged and created something beautiful - FRIENDSHIP.   =)