Sweets love Water Buffalo

Today I woke up quite late due to the still-irritating-menstrual-cramps but I am quite okay now especially after watching Bones Season 6 Episode 7 on Fox. I tried to relax myself after reading law books then I watched NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds and now Bones. This episode totally caught my eye when Sweets mentioned he sponsored water buffalo in Philippines. Haha!  I intently listened and keeping a wary eye to the scene where Sweets and Dr. Camille had a conversation about the latter being such a control freak on her daughter Michelle (Same name like mine. Hehe!) I was really looking forward to this because they look great together and they do have a thing for each other at least that's what I thought. So I took a snap shot of Sweets and the conversation they had which made me jumpy when he did mention my country.

Camille: Remind me again why I should listen to someone who doesn’t even take care of a pet?
Sweets: Right.  *pause*  I sponsor water buffalo in the Philippines.
Camille: And I supposed you wouldn't get in the way of her decisions?
Sweets: Oh, I wouldn't get in her way, period!

Aww. Mister Sweets! You just made my day!
Out of all the cast in Bones, he is my sorta crushie. I just love to look at him on the big screen. I didn't know you were fond of "carabaos"/water buffalo. :P