
Happiness is a feeling of joy and pleasure mingled in varying degree, it is a satisfaction of one’s deepest desires as what Mr. Webster emphasized.

People who are in grave turmoil and those who feel deprived and isolated from such pursuit to be happy need to know some of the things I do in order to live life with happiness. After all, life is all about survival and pain is a part of the journey we have to face in life. Thus, the search for happiness is needed.

Anyone could be unhappy, it took no courage or effort. But true achievement lay in struggling to be happy. We assume that happiness is a feeling that comes as a result of good things that just happens to us, things over which we have no control. They say, happiness is a serious problem.

But the opposite is true: HAPPINESS is largely under our own control.
It is a battle to be waged and not a feeling to be awaited. We have in our hands the decision,a choice to whether we continue on dwelling to such pain for too long or rather to retard that feeling and choose happiness even in the most simple details in life.

I know some people who have everything in life, the riches, fame and glamor but they are essentially unhappy and I was foolish enough to assume that nothing unhappy existed in those persons lives. I also know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. This is the irony life has to offer.
Because of this, I’ll share to you a secret that I’ve learned from experience. The simple truth about happiness is that it is a byproduct of something else. The more passion we want to have, it gives us the pursuit and be permeated with its purpose.. It challenges us.. the more happiness we are likely to experience. We need a spiritual faith or philosophy in life.

The philosophy that if you find optimism in every awful situation you are in, you will be blessed & blissed enough. This is largely all about how you decide to live your life. The secret is to be grateful. All happy people are grateful even if they are in the most problematic situation.

True that:

“Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional..”

.. and so I chose to be happy.